Avgolemono soup

“Egg-lemon” soup may not sound like an appetising soup based on the direct translation from the Greek “Avgolemono”. The soup is actually a humble chicken and rice soup, thickened with egg and flavoured with freshly squeezed lemon. It's comforting and satisfying without being too heavy.

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Natural food colouring for Easter eggs

A few days before the Orthodox Easter, Greek-Cypriots start their traditional Easter baking and dying of eggs. The eggs are dyed in various colours, red being the most commonly used colour.  I wanted to try a few new colours other than the usual red eggs using food as the colouring.  Brown onion skins always work very well but you can also use spices and vegetables to create other shades.  I tested ground turmeric for yellow eggs, red cabbage for blue eggs (yes blue!) and beetroot for red eggs. 

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