Healthy dairy alternatives

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Cow’s milk products are considered a staple in many homes but many people are unable to digest it, especially as they get older. Fortunately there are many healthier substitutes for everyday dairy products such as milk, butter, cheese, ice creams and yoghurt.

When eliminating dairy from your diet, remember to add natural sources of calcium, even if you are substituting with vegan products. If you eat a balanced diet you will get the calcium you need from eating whole foods such as seeds, nuts and green vegetables, not to mention all the other minerals that dairy can’t provide. 

whole food sources of calcium:

  • Beans: edamame, soybeans, white beans

  • Calcium-enriched plant based milks and vegan alternatives

  • Fruit: dried figs, oranges

  • Leafy greens: all of them especially kale, rocket

  • Nuts: almonds, brazil nuts

  • Seeds: chia seeds, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds

  • Seafood: sardines, salmon, shrimp

  • Vegetables: broccoli, bok choy, sweet potatoes

If you can’t include some of these in your diet, you can also take a calcium supplement or try eating goat or sheep milk cheese or yoghurt, which is easier to digest than cow’s milk.